Mindsphere OS Bar removal

I have removed the Marketplace Mindsphere OS Bar and followed the instructions to do so, however my app still references it somewhere when it builds the application. I have been through all of the directories but cannot find any further reference to the removed Marketplace component – any ideas? Here is the console log error : 404 - file not found for file: rest/os-bar/v1/osbar.loader.js
2 answers


The reason is, that the OS Bar is expected to be loaded for a MindSphere application. If this is not happening an error function within the index.html file of the Siemens_MindSphere_Web_Content fires.

To remove this, checkout the index.html file located in themesource/siemens_mindsphere_web_content/public/index.html. An easy hack is to comment out the lines 119 and 120 (var html= … and body.insertAdjacentHTML).

The reason is, that the OS Bar is expected to be loaded for a MindSphere application. If this is not happening an error function within the index.html file of the Siemens_MindSphere_Web_Content fires.

To remove this, checkout the index.html file located in themesource/siemens_mindsphere_web_content/public/index.html. An easy hack is to comment out the lines 119 and 120 (var html= … and body.insertAdjacentHTML).


Have you tried cleaning the the Deployment directory?

Top Bar > App > Clean Deployment Directory
