how to implement amazon rekognition

Hello,  is there full documentation somewhere, step by step on how to implement amazon rekognition connector?  mendix modeler 7.23.31 version.     @edit if someone will looking for it \how-to\step-by-step 1.Drag AWS Config, identify text, Get Image labels to page . 2.Go to and select S3 from services menu. 3.create a bucket in your S3. You can give any names thats available. 4.go to aws security credentials 5.then click ‘access keys (access key ID nd secret access key) if u dont have one, click create new accesss key. your project 7.go to AWS Config overview 8.create New and fill all required fields with access key, secret key, use region from this website( for me it’s eu-central-1) save 10.voilà – everything works :)  11.
2 answers

If you click the documentation tab on the marketplace page you can see the steps for the Mendix part of implementation (dependencies and what to configure on the Mendix end). For the Amazon part, you'll have to check their documentation, which is also linked on the marketplace page.

  1. Drag AWS Config, identify text, Get Image labels to page


  1.  Go to and select S3 from services menu.
  2. create a bucket in your S3. You can give any names thats available.
  3. go to aws security credentials

  1. then click ‘access keys (access key ID nd secret access key) if u dont have one, click create new accesss key.
  2. run your project
  3. go to AWS Config overview
  4. create New and fill all required fields with access key, secret key, use region from this website( for me it’s eu-central-1)

  1. click save
  2. voilà – everything works :) 


