Unable to upload.mpk package file more than 100 MB while creating Starter App Template.

I’m trying to create a Template  Starter Application from Share Marketplace Content within Private domain of my company. So that the future projects can take that Template as a starter template and they will get preconfigured modules which are mostly needed in all projects.    I’m following the document https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/general/share-app-store-content/#doc   While uploading the project .mpk package its showing error of you can’t upload file more than 100 MB. So is there any way to upload such file more than 100 MB?   Thanks In Advance!  
1 answers


100 MB is quite large for a starter app. Are you able to shrink its size down?

Without knowing much about what’s in your app, I would not recommend leaving large files in the project directory, and instead download them separately after the app is deployed.
