Hi, We have implemented a deeplink with MxAdmin has access to all pages and microflows. When I first login to mendix and then hit the deeplink URL, then I am not getting the login page and works as expected. But without login to mendix, if I hit the Deeplink URL directly, its showing the login page, once logged-in it is going to home page not to the deeplink microflow. How can I fix this issue so that once logged-in, it will go to the Deeplink microflow not to home page.
Mohammed Jaffer Ali N
1 answers
To resolve that please follow the Deeplink documentation. They have mentioned this.
When a user accesses the Mendix app, the app needs to check if a deep link request is associated to the user session. To achieve this, add the DeepLink.DeeplinkHome microflow to a microflow that is configured for the default home page (via App > Navigation > Home pages > Default home page). For an example of this configuration, see the DeepLink.Home_ResponsiveProfile microflow.