Problem with Excel Importer

I’m trying to import an excel file using the excel importer module. (Excel Importer | Mendix Documentation) There ‘Importing file..’ pop-up appears and stays until I closed the application. The file size should not be the problem, as I also tried importing a small file only containing about 3 lines.   The error message displayed is in the Mendix Pro Studio is the following: Error in execution of monitored action '{"name":"ExcelImporter.IVK_ImportTemplateDocument","type":"Microflow"}' (execution id: 70e606ee-91a0-4cbb-921b-f0b9631f1b8b, execution type: CLIENT_ASYNC_MONITORED) The IVK_ImportTemplateDocument mentioned in the error message is unchanged as it is downloaded form the Excel Importer package.   This warning message is deplayed: “Excel Importer could not import any rows. Please check if the template is configured correctly. If the file was not created with Microsoft Excel for desktop, try opening the file with Excel and saving it with the same name before importing.”   The excel file is created on MS Excel for dekstop and I don’t know about any problem regarding the template.   Can someone help me interpret this error message or even has an idea how to solve this problem? Thanks!!  
3 answers

Always annoying when your app seems to have no to fail, yet it does. Things you can try:

- Try another template and another Excel-file. Just to see if the Excel importer works fine.

- Try to create a new template using the button ‘Template from Excel’. This will get you useful information, maybe even a working template.



Hi Leon,


Do you have some copy pasted content in the excel sheet you are downloading ? if so, there could be a chance of hidden unreadable characters in it.


Just try creating sample import file by manual typing and try import.





I didn’t find a solution but changing the format from xlsx to xls was a functional workaround. 
