Pending link object is not created for Ananymous user

The expectation of my application is, the anonymous user can send an email to herself with deeplink to continue the process later where anonymous leave. In this scenario, when the anonymous user sends this email to herself, the pending link object is not created therefore when an anonymous user clicks the link deeplink does not work. But When I log in to the application by using the administrator role and send the email with deeplink, in this case pending link is created and works but when I try to use another web browser it does not work also. I have 2 problems: not create pending link object by using the anonymous user for another user, pending link is created and deeplink microflow works but this deeeplink works just the web browser which is used while the deeplink creates. (Only firefox, internet explorer, or chrome)
4 answers

Hi Adnan,


Please provide  need more context  in order to reply, however just a quick question did you check allowed guest ? while creating deep link configuration .




I am using version 8.0.5 and in this version, the DeepLink_NewEdit is different so there is no option to allow guest at the DeepLink_NewEdit page.I am using version 8.0.5 and in this version, the DeepLink_NewEdit is different so there is no option to allow guest at the DeepLink_NewEdit page.




Its also available in 8.0.5 →  Deeplink_Details Page 



I did but the problem is that this deeplink is created for ananymous user. 









For every new session, the currentuser/Name is different because of the anonymous user. Therefore pendinglink is all time is empty.



