Hi Dherendra,
You cam refer to the link below,
There I explained, how to impliment a multiselect search facility using drop-downs.
Just let me know, if you get stuck.
Hope it helps!
Hi Dherendra,
Not sure if you need the widget your specified. Do you need a multiselect search on a string input? If not, you could consider using the checkbox set selector and create the input yourself using a microflow.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Hi Dherendra,
Please note that there is also a demo project that can be found on github: https://github.com/Itvisors/mendix-AutocompleteMultiselect. You can download the code as zip and find the project in /test/.
Perhaps this can give you some more information how to use it.
The widget has got a lot of functionality, but maybe you do not need everything. Note that there are also other widgets that might be easier for your use case, e.g. https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/116917.