Excel Importer - JSON Exception

Hello there, I got an error, when importing an excel file to create a new template. I am currently working on  project where I got the error, on version 9.12.2. So the error should be inside mendix and not on the excel file. I also reinstalled all required modules: - Mx Model Reflection (V6.2) (Works fine) -  Community Commons Function Library (V 8.4.0) - Excel Importer (V. 9.0.3)   When I try to create an new template by importing an excel file the following error comes:  
1 answers

Hi Deepali,

You can Check the Poi and repetator files in user lib folder of your project you can see the repeated poi files. you can delete the newer version of that file and just save the 4.1.2 version files in your project,

and then reinstall excel importer module from marketplace and then try to import, it will work.and then reinstall excel importer module from marketplace and then try to import, it will work.
