EmailService - No response from email server

Hello,   my use case is that I created workflows with several steps of approval. When someone gets a new task I want her/him to receive an email. I downloaded the EmailService module and added two steps to my microflow:       When I try to run the microflow, I receive the following errors: “Error call to endpoint http://localhost:8088/email/v0/email/send. Received http-response statuscode  with reason null.” “Empty response from the email server. Probably a client error.”   In the app, the info shows:       The app is running local and as Free App on the Mendix Cloud. Someone has an idea what i can do to solve the problem?   Thank you in advance!
2 answers

Email Service is a premium product and needs a license, though there is a free trial available. Have you set either of these up?

If you have already done this, have you also set the Username and SecretKey constants with the values you got from that previous step?

I hope this helps.


Have you solved this problem? My application has the same problem.
