Internal error in Hidden document in ADD on Module.
Hello guys i have built my application in 9.12.2 version and next for the version change i have migrated it to 9.18.2 it got me some thousand errors and when i installed Microsoft Teams Connector module all the errors are gone and only one error popped up that is Error :Internal error in hidden document in add-on module "MicrosoftTeamsConnector'. This is most likely due to changes in its dependencies: module 'MicrosoftTeams Connector', layout "Atlas_Core.Atlas_Default', placeholder 'Atlas_Core.Atlas Default.Main. How can i solve this ?
Nikhil Nakka
2 answers
I am also seeing the same issue. Can anyone help on how to get past this issue?
Kalyan Guda
The same issue is reproduced with Studio Pro 10.12.9 in an add-on module and after deep investigation the issue is due to the Data grid 2 used in one of the pages of the module.
Replace the data grid 2 with List View will resolve the issue.