Reference an associated Object with Excel Importer without having the ObjectID in the ExcelFile listed

Hey,   I want to upload an Excel File (two columns of data, which will be plotted), which should be assigned to a specific attribute of an associated entity (in this case to a Job-Object with a Job ID).    When I understand the Excel Importer correctly you can reference a specific attribute of an associated entity (like my JobID), but it must be listed in the excel file. For example, Column 3 in the Excel File would then have the JobID listed over all the rows, where I then can select under “edit templateàconnect columns to attributes” in the Excel Importer Template in type “reference”.   But my idea is, that I don’t want to edit the excel file and upload it only with X and Y data to be plotted and assign the uploaded data to the JobID differently, for example with a microflow, etc.. Is that even possible?   I hope this was understandable, if not I will try to provide more information.   Thanks!
1 answers

One pattern/solution is to create an importModule with an intermediate entity with 2 columns and a status attribute (read, error, processed). Read the excel into that entity and do any processing you want.


If it must be multi-user, add a job entity and connect all to that job.


Delete the imported and processed data.
