Hi, Does anyone know a good video player widget, other than the Video Player one that is platform supported? The one provided by Mendix does not seem to work with “short codes” from Vimeo or Youtube video's (for example: https://player.vimeo.com/video/236357509?h=1525031d4b). On web, the video player widget will show and play the video, but on native it won't work. We tried embedded code as an alternative, but it seems that Android WebView has issues with HTML5 and full screen support. The only thing that does work with the Video Player widget is if we provide a direct link to an MP4 file. Then it works both in web and in native. Hopefully someone has a good option for us.
Dennis Homberg
1 answers
this is how our client does it
this works on native.
its just the default player, and links to a mp4 location.
but you already said this works … so maybe this is the way to got, otherwise mx support?