Hi All, I have downloaded and installed “EmailService” connector from MarketPlace. This is the link: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/117934 I also downloaded and installed all the dependencies like CommunityCommons, OQL, System Management, Service at MendixCloud and EnvironmentVariables. But I am getting the error like the below image: Not getting how to resolve this. Please help me in solving this
Ramya S Ramesh
1 answers
These are just Layouts that the Old Marketplace Modules use that no longer exists in the newer mendix projects (the Atlast UI has updated itself over time)
Right click on each error and it should give you hints to proceed.
Easiest thing to do is to double click the error to go to the concerned page and then from the properties window change the Layout to something that exists in the current projects AtlasCore Module.