SFTPS module doesnt work because of apache commons

I need to connect to a server via FTPS so I downloaded the SFTPS marketplace module. It says it has dependencies on Jsch (no idea what that is and it isn’t listed in marketplace) and Apache Commons. Apache commons is not listed in the marketplace and when I try to run without it I get an error on   Compilation of Java action failed:   C:\\myprojpath\javasource\sftps\helpers\FTPConnection.java:16: error: package org.apache.commons.net.ftp does not exist     [javac] import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP;   I have commonity commons installed but not apache commons. Is apache commons no longer available in 9.24, render this SFTPS module deprecated?    
1 answers

Unfortunatly you do not tell which SFTP module you used. The things you are missing are JAR files in your userlib directory. Normally they come with the module. The jsch.jar can also be downloaded from here: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.jcraft/jsch

The apache commons is a bit harder because for instance you have the commons-codec-1.15.jar but also the commons-io-2.11.0.jar.

I would create a fresh project and then download the SFTP module so you can check which JAR files where placed in your userlib directory and check those with your current project. And double check the dependencies because the SFTP from Mendix module needs the encryption and library logging module also.




