Japanese (full-width) conversion for Rich Text

I am using the MarketPlaceModule "Rich Text" and am having trouble with the following problem. I would like to know how to solve this problem.   ■Event Input Japanese characters or numbers in full-width input mode, and select the character you want to display using the mouse instead of the space key. Example 1: Input "1" → Select "①" with the mouse. Example 2: Select "そうしん" → "送信" with the mouse If the commit process is performed in this state, it will be saved with the value before selection. In the case of Example 1, "①" In the case of Example 2, "送信" Since the selection is not confirmed (Enter), it is natural, but is there  The first image is when selected with the space key. The second image is when selected with mouse selection. The bottom "①" of the image looks different.
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