Excel Import Duplicate value issue

Hi Experts,   I am going to import 8000 records via excel import, and approximately 1000 of them are duplicates. We are utilising associations for this, and we are required to provide a key. However, after importing, 1000 records are being removed, but I require the 1000 records as well.Is there a way to fix this?   Regards, Rasik.N
1 answers

Hi Mohamed,


I have two ideas:


  1. Adding another column as keys(like row numbers) to be used instead of the keys you are using.
  2. Using before commit microflow to check if a copy already exists and handle it from there(not sure if it applies to this case, never tried it myself).

I think second one is cleaner in terms of implementation but it might not work. First one will work for sure if you are allowed to alter with the file.


