Nanoflow commons - title caption of show confirmation-activity is not shown

Hello all,   we are using the Activity “Show confirmation” from “Nanoflow commons” in our nanoflow. Unfortunately we have the problem, that the “title caption” is not beeing shown, even if we provide an expression.    All the other fields are being shown. See the pictures below (green → translated, red → not shown) Is this a bug? Any advice how to solve this?  
2 answers

Hi Philipp Icgen! this will work only for native apps.


Hello Philipp Icgen!

The Activity “Show confirmation” from “Nanoflow commons”, certainly, only works for mobile, if you want to change the title. 

My solution was, add an element within the code, to hide the title and add the variable "title".

I hope to help you.

Captura de tela 2024-05-17 144539.png
