Encryption module error

Hi all, Downloaded the latest encryption module and have set the EncryptionKey and LegacyEncryptionkey.  But still getting these errors in the console. Error while decrypting string: Cannot decrypt the text because it was either encrypted with a different key or not encrypted at all  com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Cannot decrypt the text because it was either encrypted with a different key or not encrypted at all     at Encryption.Decrypt (Error : '')     at EmailTemplate.SE_SendQueuedEmails (SubMicroflow : 'Decrypt')     Can someone help to resolve this.
1 answers

Hi Mohamed,

I got the same error too and fixed it by choosing a 16-char key and updating the value twice for the encryption key for 32-char and the same 16-char for the legacy encryption key. Below is an example:


EncryptionKey – ABCD1234EFGH5678ABCD1234EFGH5678


LegacyEncryptionKey – ABCD1234EFGH5678
