Mendix - TeamCenter SSO

We would like to develop Siemens TeamCenter features into our Mendix App, and are currently trying it out using these 2 versions of TeamCenter and the Mendix TeamCenter connector: - TeamCenter Version on our sandbox environment - v12.4 - TeamCenter Connector v3.6.0 ( Our IT admin has provided us with a certificate we can import into the Mendix's 'App Settings', and we had to setup a 'After startup' microflow within 'App Settings > Runtime', and within that microflow contains: - a 'Call microflow' action for SAML20.Startup  [from SAML module] - a 'Call microflow' action for TcConnector.SSO_RegisterRequestHandlers  [from TcConnector module]   We have setup a TeamCenter configuration while running the Mendix app on localhost, and those configuration values, with SSO enabled, worked on an older version of the Mendix-TeamCenter connector (v2.2.0). However, now, as the latest version of Mendix-Teamcenter connector is 3.6.0, that is what we attempting to develop with. However, while attempting to login to Teamcenter through our Mendix app, we are hit with an error: "Exception occurred while processing request Status Code : 405. Unknown SSO exception."   Wonder if anyone has tried to troubleshoot on a similar scenario?  
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