Document Generation Timeout

I am currently testing out the PDF Document Generation Module and haven’t been able to crack it yet.   Everything is configured, as far as I can tell, as described in the documentation, but I still get a timeout error.   The security settings seem correct, and ‘Enable PDF Export’ is set to ‘true’ on the page in question.   My app is set up for SAML single sign-in, could that be causing any issues? Console log with Doc Gen on trace attached below   Any suggestions for further debugging very welcome!   Thank you in advance.  
7 answers

I suspect the SSO gets in the way. Could you try configuring a separate user role (with module roles if required)? Then create an Account with that role and generate a document using that account rather than the actual SSO user. Be sure to exclude the role from SSO handling. Even if this is not a viable production solution, at least you know the SSO gets in the way.


Note that this special role needs access to generate documents on behalf of the actual SSO user. Please set a strong password.




In my opinion, double check the security setting of this entity specifically and make sure the role performing the download action has access to this entity
most times thats the issue for time outs.

If not, then while debugging where exactly is the flow breaking and giving an error? on the pdf generate activity?


I also suspect a security issue. Do you have proper access rights set on your DOC_ExampleDocument_Print microflow? The one with the show page action?


i have the same issue but do not use SSO:


The steps from Calantha Coulton helped me to solve the problem. problem was in step2, I assigned only Admin, noth both… now it works local and I will test accp



More details here




This is the file entity used for the PDF generation


Administrator system role has roles DocGen user and admin



Properties for page to be turned into PDF. The contents of this page is just plain text for testing purposes


To whom this may concern:

I had same problem with the time out on the – content generation.

Not due to security, but due to elements in my page I was trying to create a PDF for. (I just wanted to generate a PDF of an existing page in my app.


Make sure you start with the example page as PDF and add elemtens from from there….. 
