What are peoples thoughts on the Questionnaire Module from the market place?

Kia ora Everyone!   I have installed the Mx Questionnaire Module and see it hasn't been updated since 2021! What are people's experiences using this module (besides the Atlas errors)?   Looking at the domain model and microflows it seems overly complex. Are there more efficient/ leaner ways of building out questionnaires?    My current use case is for building an incident report form to report hazards / near misses/ accidents on mobile that will either be communicated via an API with an outside H&S system, or downloaded as a PDF and emailed to the relevant investigator. It will include uploading photos of the incident too.  
2 answers

I totally agree with you, it's very complex, heavy loaded and not lean at all.


There is an "alternative" in the marketplace that might fit your needs:




Hi Kitti,


I have implemented the questionnaire module twice now and my conclusion is that I wont be using it again.


Both implementations required custom changes to the module which took a significant effort.  Unless you are able to use the module straight out of the box, I would recommend starting from scratch.


From your description of your use case, it sounds like a wizard integrated into a small workflow may work for you.

