Bootstrap Multi select widget unable to show data retrieved from mircoflow

Usecase : Using two bootstrap multi select widget( , First display the option to choose the subject, based on the selection second bootstrap multi select widget should display the associated books. ( 1- * relationship between subject -books )   Subject options are retrieved from the database using data source microflow and able to display the books, I can choose the options and retrieve them later. Now based on the selections of subjects I would like to display the associated books in the second multi select bootstrap widget , here I am retrieving the associated book list using a microflow (data source). During debug I see the book list is populated correctly. In the change event of the Subject widget as well I trigger the above microflow, however, Book options are not populated in the bootstrap widget, and it continues to show : None selected.   Problem is like this : . I have checked the entity access as well.
1 answers

Hi Anutosh Khare,

You need to call on change microflow after selecting the subject and refreshing the main page object in it by creating change activity and select refresh in client. This will call your bootstrap microflow again and get the data after you select the subject.
