JWT module in Mendix 10?

Hello! I'm trying to create a REST Service on Mendix to consume data from Angular but I want to implement the Json Web Token verification. I just try to download the module from Marketplace but the download button is disabled.  I don't know if it is not available for Mendix 10 and in this case, how can I implement it without this module?   Thanks you!!
1 answers

Looks like the module you reference has not been updated in quite a while, so it is not compatible with Mendix 10.


The OIDC module contains the code to decode JWTs. 

Mendix Marketplace - OIDC SSO

There is a java action named "DecodeJWT" that you can use in a microflow.  If you do not need the OIDC module you could extract this java file and dependencies from the OIDC module.


Once you decode the token you can inspect scopes and other attributes for your validation.
