Upgrading Teamcenter modules in version 10

My application was created in Mendix 9.24.1 and includes the following modules:   - Teamcenter Connector - 3D Viewer - 3D Viewer For Teamcenter   I have attempted to upgrade my app to Mendix 10.6.1 and as a result have updated the above modules to their latest versions. Unfortunately, the app is now unable to start as it fails at the "bundle application" step. This is the error I get: ..\javasource\viewer3d\actions\controller\MxController.java:20: error: package org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI does not exist import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI.LocaleToCharsetMap;   Any suggestions for getting around this would be much appreciated.
1 answers

The 3D Viewer isn't currently compatible with Mendix 10

The error you see related to httpclient.URI is caused by missing jar files

  • commons-httpclient.jar
  • commons-io-2.6.jar
  • hamcrest-2.2.jar

You can either try to get those files from somewhere else, or download the 3D Viewer test app, export the 3DViewer module and use it in your app

Note too that the Teamcenter connector for Mendix 10 functions a bit differently than previous versions. You will only get data for objects explicitly included in your business object mappings and query inputs match the L10 entries rather than the display names. I also don't think that the ExpandGRMRelationsForPrimary and Secondary actions work properly any more. The test app has replaced these with use of call Teamcenter Service
