OIDC Module

I set up the module OIDC, and it was working well, I had many users logged in, and an access token was already created for those accounts. Now suddenly, I can't log in, I had this error (Access blocked: Authorization Error) I tried to upgrade Mendix and OIDC module, but the problem still exists. I am using OIDC 2.3.2 version, and Mendix 10.6.3 Anyone have an idea to solve it?   Error 400: invalid_request Request details: redirect_uri=https://None/oauth/v2/callback
1 answers

Did you click the "error details" button? I assume more will be explained there about why you might not comply with the OAuth 2.0 policy.


You can read more about the general policy here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/policies
