Excel Importer: Handling Empty Cells and Specific Strings

Hello Mendix Community,   I'm working on importing an Excel file into my Mendix app using the Excel Importer module. However, some columns in the Excel file contain empty cells or specific string values like "--" or "-" instead of numbers.   When I try to import this file, the Excel Importer throws an error saying "is not a valid number!" for those empty cells or string values.I need to replace the empty cells with a default value (e.g., 0) and also replace the "--" or "-" strings with the same default value during the import process.   Can someone please guide me on how to achieve this using the Excel Importer module's features? I've tried searching the documentation, but I couldn't find a clear solution.   Any help or step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated!  
2 answers

You'll have to parse the data for those columns. 

Instructions are available here.

Basically you create a microflow that has a String as the parameter, then some logic to handle the string. 

The output of the microflow is the parsed string. 

Once the microflow is created you can select that microflow to parse the column data in the import template settings. 

Hope this helps.  


Capture2.PNGCapture3.PNGPlease review this logic and let me know if you can help me out to resolve this issueCapture.PNGCapture1.PNG
