Zip Handling- I couldnt able to download the zip, Im getting this below mentioned error

An error occurred while executing an action of ShootingCompetition.Go_Backto_AllRequest_Page.actionButton1: Did not expect an argument to be undefined Error: An error occurred while executing an action of ShootingCompetition.Go_Backto_AllRequest_Page.actionButton1: Did not expect an argument to be undefined    at http://localhost:8090/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638472406292282741:61:174711    at ye (http://localhost:8090/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638472406292282741:19:6830)    at i (http://localhost:8090/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638472406292282741:19:6731)    at k (http://localhost:8090/mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js?638472406292282741:59:5099)
1 answers

Hi, keerthana s


The error indicates that an action in the ShootingCompetition application expected an argument that was not provided (it was undefined). To resolve this:


  1. Check the actionButton1 Configuration:

    • Ensure all required parameters are correctly set and not left undefined.
  2. Debug the JavaScript Code:

    • Look into the mxui.js file at the specified lines to identify where the undefined argument is being passed.
    • Add logging to trace the values of variables and arguments being passed to the function.
  3. Review the Go_Backto_AllRequest_Page Action:

    • Verify the logic that triggers Go_Backto_AllRequest_Page.actionButton1 to ensure all necessary data is being correctly initialized and passed.
  4. Check Data Source and Context:

    • Confirm that the data source or context object bound to this action has all the necessary attributes populated.

By ensuring that all expected arguments are defined and correctly passed, the error should be resolved.
