Session Timeout Module

  I tried to download this SessionTimeout module from the marketplace, but whenever I check the downloaded modules, I am just not able to view the module in marketplace modules. 
1 answers

Hi Thejas,


The module you're trying to download is not available for your current Mendix version. That's also why the download button is disabled.

Also looks like there is no longer support for this module (last release was more that 3 years ago)


You can try to

  1. Install the module in a Mendix 8 LTS project
  2. Upgrade this mendix project to your current mendix version
  3. Exporting the module from that project
  4. Import the exported module in your own Mendix project.

But I can't guarantee that this will work.


Otherwise, try looking for a more updated module or solution.


Hope this helps!
