How to customize anychart tooltip?

Hi all,   I'm not good at javascript and was wondering if there is a way to customize the anychart tooltip in css?
2 answers

Hi Karim,

There are a few tutorials that teach you how to customize or how to build charts:


Chart Customization: Chart Customizations in Mendix - YouTube

Build Charts: HOW TO BUILD CHARTS | Mendix 10 - YouTube


If you prefer the text version: Chart Configuration | Mendix Documentation


Through these customizations it is possible to change the tooltip style.


If you are using Plotly, you can simply use "hoverlabel" property in the advance tab in the widget properties




If this answer helped you, please mark as accept :)


Best Regards,

Ricardo Pereira


You could check out these options. Mendix documentation is referring to plotly for more detailed information about layout and config options as well.
