Reset password email configuration

Hi all, I am trying to include a reset password button in my app and have been following this documentation to do so:   I am currently stuck at 2 step 9. I need to add my email account and I am not sure what all the settings mean or how I can find the necesarry information.   So following the steps click SMTP settings I get this screen: I choose Use Basic Credentials because I don't know what the other option means. Then I get to the next screen: I enter my name and the email & password of the email account I want to link (is this correct)? When I press next I get a message saying "could not configure your email account automatically, please configure it manually." This takes me to the next screen where I can choose to receive or send emails, I only want to send out emails to reset a password so I choose that option and get the following:   In the protocol dropdown I can only choose SMTP so I pick that but I dont know what to fill in to the server host, server port or use SSL & Use TLS fields. I am also the admin of the email that I want to link but I am not sure how to get this information.    Am I doing anything wrong here? Can anyone tell me how to gain access to the information the email protocol is requesting of me?   Any help is very welcome, thank you for reading!
2 answers

Hello Jeroen, 


You can follow the excellet article + video made by the MVP Ricardo Pereira on this subject:


Once understood the configuration in localhost, you can get the proper email server configuration with your IT department in order to deploy your app to production.


Hi Jeroen,


Although the blog of Ricardo is informative, it uses a fake SMTP server, I suspect you want to send out real e-mails.

The challenge of sending (forgotten password) e-mails is that you need an e-mail provider with server (accepting SMTP connections). Mendix doesn't provide this, so you need to use your own. It may be a Outlook/Hotmail/Gmail account, whatever, but you need those credentials to fill in at this step.

Hopefully this was the information you were looking for!


