Encrypted e-mail with multi-recipients

I'm currently facing an issue when I want to send encrypted e-mails. If I send an e-mail to just one account, the e-mail is encrypted and sent. However, if I have multiple recipients (like a concatenation of e-mail addresses separated by a comma), the connection to the LDAP server (built in the Email Connector module) does not separate the e-mails to obtain the public certificate of each user, and e-mails are not sent.   Has anyone faced this issue before, and any ideas on how to tackle it? I'm trying to avoid sending separate e-mails to each account.     Thanks in advance! 
1 answers

From the doc


When sending an email, the To and Content fields are mandatory. In To, CC, and BCC, you can optionally specify multiple email addresses, each separated by a semicolon (;).


But there have been modules in the past that used commas.
