How to solve the warning the compilation of Java actions failed?

Hi community!   After updating some marketplace modules I got the following warning when I tried to run the project: the compilation of Java actions failed.    The strange thing is that my colleagues don't have this error, even though they use the same revision as I do.   I have already tried to: - cleaned my deployment directory  - replace my Userlib with those of my colleagues.  - deleted all the proxy folders that were mentioned in the warning - Reinstalled studio pro and java version 11  - Removed the app from my machine and downloaded it again   Would someone be able to help me solve this problem?  
1 answers



The proxy folder of a module contains the Java Class of the Domain model objects of the module in Studio Pro. These are generated when deploying your app locally. If there is an error in this folder, most of the times this happens when duplicating/renaming the module. 

Delete this proxy folder (only the proxy folder!) and deploy your app again and the issue should be gone!


Hope it Helps

Thanks & Regards,

Manikandan K
