How to change Font-family from Arial to Aptos Narrow while exporting dynamic data to Mendix
hi i tried to change excel template which prints our dynamic excel data the font changes works for static data but for dynamic data it always takes default styles "Arial" as font-family even after i have set all cell rows to "Aptos Narrow" as font styles.i request you to help me resolve this issue and help us suggest how we can change font-family to "Aptos Narrow".any help appreciated. in below image "Acceleration" is static data where it is reflecting font family properly.but in gear,engine speed ,acceleration, vehicle speed it is taking font0family as "Arial".
Nikhil Lad
1 answers
Open the Excel template file you’re using.
Verify that all relevant cells (including those meant to hold dynamic data) are explicitly set to the "Aptos Narrow" font.
Highlight the entire row/column or relevant cells, right-click, select Format Cells, and set the font to "Aptos Narrow".