Deepclone gives no clone result

Hi, I am calling the Deepclone action, but does not see a copy as a result. The domain model is as follows: The master entity Vergaderingen of the deep stucture to be cloned. The master entity has several 1 to many associations with other entities wich should all be cloned. These other entities have associations with entities 'Document, Documentversies' wich should not be cloned . The master entity has a Many-to-1 association (look up field)  'Vergaderingen_Vergaderingsoort' which should be the same in source and target.   I created : a Microflow which calls the Deepclone action and a condition on the $Result output. On the True/False paths I placed a message action which says 'Succes' (on True)  or 'Error' (on False). a Button 'Copy' on the overview page and the detail page of the master entity which calls the Microflow   I have filled the Deepclone parameter in the call in the Microflow as follows: Source: master entity $Vergaderingen Target: master entity $Vergaderingen membersToKeep: specifies the Many-to-1 association with entity Vergaderingsoort wich should be the same in source an target : 'MyFirstModule.Vergaderingen_Vergaderingsoort' excludeEntities: has specified associated entities in the deep structure wich should not be cloned : 'Documenten, Documentversies' The other parameters are filled with empty string ''   When I run the Microflow I get a succes result, but I do not see a new record in master entity 'Vergaderingen' What am I doing wrong?
2 answers

Add all attributes to 'membersToKeep' or leave it empty.

Remove the module from the assocations 'Vergaderingen_Vergaderingsoort'

Exclude the full qualified entities 'module.Documenten'


Edit: create a new 'vergaderingen' and pass it as target


BTW: I would recommend to clone the structure yourself in a microflow using clone per entity.


I followed the advice of Chris and cloned the structure myself in a microflow using clone per entity .

This works good. It is still strange why the 'Deepclone' function does not work in my model.
