How to change I-Bar Cursor over Calendar widget

Using the Calendar widget, if I hover over the text of an appointment title, the cursor switches to an I-Bar, like this: If I hover over an area of the appointment title without text, I get an arrow cursor. The I-Bar is hard to see over the text - any pointers about how to change this so that I get the arrow cursor over the whole appointment box in the calendar widget? Thanks, Mike
1 answers

Hmmm... In my version of the Calendar widget I get a pointing hand when I hover over an appointment.  This is produced by the css from the widget:

.fc-event.fc-draggable, .fc-event[href] {

    cursor: pointer;


If you inspect your styles you may have something else I guess (like cursor: text;).  You can add this styling to your custom theme and see if that helps.
