Hello, We would like to offer the possibility to the users of our application of creating their own reports with a subset of the data of the model (some of the tables). I have checked the Appronto Reporting 4 Mendix module in the App Store and it looks really interesting. However, the capabilities seem to be limited to export the reports to CSV. What would be the best way to allow our users to produce smarter reports with data and charts in a more sophisticated way than a CSV? Thanks for your answer.
Francisco MartÃnez Gallego
2 answers
Hi Francisco,
You can use Odata for this. Tables can be exposed via the Odata service, and can be consumed by the user in for example MsExcel. The user can now decide what to do with the data, how to structure the data to make the statistics.
Thijs Schoemaker
Check out OData in the documentation. You could either create a custom Excel sheel that retrieves the data and produces the report, or with a little more budget you could use Microsoft BI. It is free if you use less then 1 gig of data.