Execute Formulas in Excel

Hello, We want to leverage complicated calculation models we already have in Excel and use them in Mendix by "calling" them. I know there are plugins that allow me to export and import data from Excel, but are there any plugins that allow me to put data in an Excel, run the necessary formulas I need and get the results back? In Java, the Apache POI library allows you to do things like that. I'm not sure if there's something already built for Mendix or if I should generate Java actions to allow me do it. Thanks
2 answers

There is no built-in functionality in Mendix. So please create a nice module to implement the java library. Please add this to the github/appstore; I'm interesting in the result!


This is possible to do. As you mentioned you can use the Apache POI library to calculate excel workbooks. We have built this integration for another customer. It allowed them to create a mapping from a mendix attribute to a excel cell for input and for output. The module would read the data from mendix and insert into the excel sheet, execute the calculations and read out the output back into mendix attributes. Is this what you want to do?
