I just checked the functionality with a Mx 5.21.1 modeler. I created a definition for delimited and one for fixed length.
Both definitions are never used sot hte last runtime field is not set.
Then I exported the definitions and imported the produce xml files, this results in imported definitions without errors.
Is the module upgraded from a previous Mendix version or download fresh from the app store?
If upgraded it might be worth getting the new version from the app store
Another option is to create a microflow that has the definition as input and output.
Publish this microflow as web service operation.
Edit the operation under the return type tab of the web service.
Check all fields that you need and set the nillable and optional options.
Use the export option on the settings tab:
Now you have the xsd that you need.
Use this xsd as source for the xml schema: InterfaceDefinition
Update the mappings and you should no longer run into any errors.
Hi Erwin,
Thanks for reply. I am able to uncheck Last Run time Attribute in XML to Domain. But I am unable to uncheck the Field in Domain to XMl. I am getting error as below: Element 'DefinitionListResponse/InterfaceDefinition/LastRunTime' cannot be unchecked, because it occurs at least once.