Ldap sync error: Failed to synchronize users: Unbalanced parenthesis; nested exception is javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterException:

Hi, I have this error when I try to sync with LDAP:  No matching response control found - looking for 'class javax.naming.ldap.PagedResultsResponseControl org.springframework.ldap.InvalidSearchFilterException: Unbalanced parenthesis; nested exception is javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterException: Unbalanced parenthesis; remaining name 'OU=XXX,DC=intern,DC=XXX,DC=com' I don't have the error in MX 6.3.1 with the same settings (connected to the same AD) and an older version of the LDAP module from the app store. When I remove the () for Search filter I don't get the error but my result is 'Imported 0 users, deactivated 0 users.' '(objectclass=user)' is the default value and 'objectclass=user' = no results. Does somebody know how to solve this? Thanks!  
1 answers

Hi Cillus,

Instead of using (objectclass=user) in the search filter, you should use (&(objectclass=user)
