Problem when exporting a excel export (exel export module)

Hi all   After the Import module from the app store I recently downloaded the Export module (did some jars removing and adding again to get it work).... Now it is working, but when I try to export export of around 50columns I get the file downloaded with this warning (which is pretty fatal) and a empty excel export where just the  tab name in is filled and all others values (column name and values) are empty.   The TO object: mxmodelreflection.proxies.MxObjectType@d14e030f has an reference: Calculations.Income_Calculation but doesn't match in subclassof object name: Calculations.Incomes.   When further looking in the file i expect that find OQL data for the reference path or so goes wrong. Actually it is remarkable seen I just use 4 different objects'attributes for the export...and all are decimals. In order to inspect this error i made another excel export with random attributes of those 4 objects and that went good need to expand it to more colums till i get the warning and an empty excel export.   So my questions are:   1 - Is this "fatal" warning known to anyone? 2 - Possible causes? Could it be the setting up of  the xpath in the excel row...  
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