Mendix app development for windows phone

We are trying to develop the apps for Windows 10 using mendix 7 Since the Mendix 7 has stopped support for windows phone we are trying to customize the package to support the same. We have added these line in /dist/phonegap/config file <preference name="windows-appx-target" value="uap"/>       <preference name="windows-arch" value="x64" /> <platform name="winphone"> After uploading these files in phonegap site .appx file is available. While using this .appx file to install in Windows mobile we are getting below error 'Can't install company app there is a problem with this company your company's support for help' Can any one help or give suggestions to proceed  
1 answers

You need to use the Deployment tool by Microsoft (first unlock your device for testing purposes).

See also:

Note: I had a lot of trouble to get the mxui.js loaded in a Windows 10 mobile / UAP app, because of MS script policy. In the end we decided just to create a web app, instead of a hybrid app.
