Feedback Widget on different Environments

Hello all,   When we Feddback widget its shows the path as server location. How do we retrieve and show feedbacks given in SIT, UAT and Production separately.? example: Feedback given in SIT to be shown only in SIT by retrieving only SIT Feedback and showing it. As read from documents for this, Feedback Items can be retrieved from Webservices. But How to save and Retrieve these data separtely for different Environment as server location is only one in the modeler.   Also Is there any way to save/show Dutch Feedback Many Thanks in advance!
2 answers

Hi Nirmal, Unfortunately it isn't possible what you ask. Feedback is send to your project in Sprintr from several environments in one container. Each feedback contains context information, but it's limited, it doesn't contain any info whether it's from the SIT or UAT. A piece of info is the URL where the feedback is made, that can separate feedback from Test, Acceptance and Production environments, which give you some information.

The best option is to make agreements with the tester and users to use certain prefixes in there feedback title/description for you to directly separate the feedback of each phase: SIT, UAT & Production


Thanks for your suggestion Joel van de graaf
