How to integrate Twilio with Mendix

Hi All, We are planning to integrate the Twilio with Mendix, currently am using 7.1.0 version,  is there any Module for Twilio. I'm following the below link Can you please guide me. Thanks Everyone    
2 answers

You're in luck! I built this for a demo a while back. Here's a Twilio module you can import into your project:


EDIT: Please re-download the module. I've updated it with some more in-depth logging.



That blog post you have linked to is a couple of years old, so while it is not incorrect, there have been a lot of new capabilities added to Mendix since then.

Not sure what kind of integration you want to perform, but just out of curiousity, I searched Twilio REST API and got to this page pretty quickly.  Looks like you can send an SMS by POSTing to a web service.  In Mendix, this would be a trivial task - simply use the Call Rest Service activity in a microflow.

This would get you started....Perhaps you have a bit more information about your use case that the community could consider and respond to.

Hope that helps,

