Linkedin profile

About linkedin profile retrieval app. You mention that this App does not function with the Mendix Cloud environment. Is it an option to make it function in the cloud or is there some technical problem?
2 answers

This module seems to be quite an old module. I haven't tried it myself recently, but i can't see anything that wouldn't work now in our cloud. 


Unfortunately I don't get access to linkedin. I have created an app in linkedIn, see the image. After that, I created the module into a new project, copied the ID and secret to the project-constants LinkedIn.ConsumerKey and  LinkedIn.ConsumerSecret. Save and Run and that should work. Nevertheless I get the standard error-message and in the console I get access denied.


li: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthCommunicationException: Communication with the service provider failed: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission debug read)
    at LinkedIn.AuthenticateLinkedIn (JavaAction : 'Call 'GetLinkedInLoginURL'')

Do I miss a step here? Why does Linked in deny me access?

