E-mail send with mendix sometimes goes to spam

I am using the app store module "E-mail module with templates" to send e-mails and I get complains that some e-mails arrive in the spam box while others not. All the e-mails sent by the application are the same. They are sent using a office 365 account. The sent to adres is always the same, the sent from adres is from the logged in user, but is on the same domain. What could cause them to arrive in the spam folder? Or better how can I debug this? According to the system administrator office 365 is a "black box" and he can not trace the messages.  
2 answers

Hi Martijn,


Are you able to access the spam filter policies for office 365? I think the solution may be in there. Since the from address is always different and it only happens to some office 365 account, gives me a strong suspicion that the problem might not be the email module.


Did you see the documentation about Sending Policy Framework? https://docs.mendix.com/deployment/mendixcloud/sending-email

See for office 365: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn789058(v=exchg.150).aspx



