Forgot Password module not showing password policy validation message to anonymous users

Hi guys,   I am using the Forgot Password module and, when an anonymous user is choosing a new password, if the password doesn't match the password policy, the user gets a generic error, with the details (e.g. password needs at least 8 chars, 1 number, etc) being in the console errors. As far as I can see, I granted the right permissions to the Anonymous users. Has anyone else faced this problem before? Am I missing something or is this normal behaviour and we need to use a regex expression to check the password for anonymous users?   Many thanks Gonçalo
2 answers

Hi Gonçalo,

Is it possible that the password policy on Mendix security level is still on 8 chars, 1 number?
You could check it at Project > Security > Tab password policy.



An anonymous user is logging on? Why is she going through the authentication process while wanting to be anonymous? Am I missing something here?
