Excel Exporter Template Manager does not import Column data

Hi all, I'm using the Excel Exporter Template Manager to export a template so that I can re-use it on other environments. Using the Excel Exporter, I created an Export template which contains: 1 worksheet multiple Columns multiple Associations No constraints, sortings and row settings The template works fine to export my data to Excel. Using the Export button of the Excel Exporter Template Manager, an xml is created with the structure of the template. When I'm importing the template using this xml, a template is created with only the worksheet information and the associations information. The most important part (the column data) is not imported. I saw that the column data is included in the xml structure. I'm using Model Reflection version 5.4.1 and Excel Exporter version 5.0.3.   Did anyone have this issue with the Excel Exporter Template Manager module?
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