MxModelReflection does not clean up its table for Enum values and captions

Hi, I am using the Enum values and captions in a microflow and got crazy because it found values that were already deleted from the enumeration definition. I found that MxModelReflection is not cleaning up it's own tables. Would be nice if this could be repaired.
2 answers

Hi Rene,

I reproduced the issue that you reported and as the add on has the support level 'Platform support' in the app store, I suggest to file a request with Mendix support to get this fixed in the java code. The code seems to have options for adding new enum values, but not for removing obsolete data from the db.


Erwin is right, raise a support ticket for the App.

Furthernore, this is just one of the side-effects of the flawed enumeration-type that Mendix has defined. Might want to  support the improvement of Enumeration in general by upvoting this idea:, that I raised a while ago.
