GridSearch wizard Multifield searchfield not working in IE 11

We have implemented the gridsearch appstore module in a Mendix 7.18 app.  Worksfine in Edge, Firefox, Chrome, but in IE 11 the looking glass appears but the search field is not editable.  For now we are not showing the multifield search in case of IE11 or older. Unfortunately 12% of our customers are using IE11. So we need to work around it. What work arounds / solutions would you suggest to make the multifield search work in IE11?    Thanks for helping out.
1 answers

Hello Jacob,

Since this is a widget created by Mendix I believe they also support it. 

I suggest checking your contract with them and SLAs, raising the issue at , and also raising a support ticket if your contract suggests that Mendix will support you on first party widgets.

Edit: Looking at the issues page for the widget, this appears to have been previously reported here. Might be worth giving it a bump.

Hope this helps.
