Hi Dan,
You can try using the option TLS and port 587. This works for most of my applications where I use the smtp.gmail.com service.
Hope that helps.
Hi Dan,
Does the test environment work? You can try this to see if the module itself is working fine.
From there we can begin solving your "Sending the email to the following server failed : smtp.gmail.com:587" problem.
I just received a message from google, I think that it thinks that it is a hack trying to use my e-mail so it blocks.
@Ritchie, by the test environment, you mean the localhost I mean ?
The module seems to work well, I have just managed to do it with a sparkpostmail server.
I will look at how to configure google in order that he does'nt block it.
Thank you both for having helped me.
Apparently locally it does not work at all, even with the sparkpostmail server. I am forced to deploy in the cloud to test each time. Would someone know if there is something to configure in order that it works locally ?
Thank you.
Hi Dan,
Yes with the test environment i meant locally. Try running your app locally and configure the settings of your as following:
SMTP server: localhost
SMTP port: 25
you can use a fake smtp server (just google fakesmtp or visit: http://nilhcem.com/FakeSMTP/)
that should work fine. If not let us know :)